Aims & Scope

Indonesian English Lecturers Association publishes a high-quality open access peer-reviewed international journal twice a year. Scholars, academicians, and professionals can transmit and share information through their high-quality theoretically and empirically research papers, case study, opinion articles, and reviews on the JIELA platform.

The journal provides an international source of peer-reviewed information on scholarly communication at large, with language- and education-related issues in closeup covering niches and issues such as academic and scholarly writing, writing for publishing, science editing, canonical patterns and non-standard irregularities of scholarly and academic texts, English as lingua franca and multilingualism, literacy brokerage, journal writing conventions, structural and thesis-driven aspects of scholarly writing, research readability, self-awareness of writing confidence, publishing norms, fostering academic writing skills, writing-enriched university curricula, moves and steps theory and practice in scholarly writing, rhetoric schemas. This journal develops a comprehensive framework of scholarly discourses in multilingual contexts within the fields of English Language Teaching, Linguistics and Literature.


  • Country of Publication:Indonesia
  • Publisher:Indonesian English Lecturers Association
  • Format: Open Access
  • ISSN:
  • Frequency:2 issues per year
  • Publication Dates:March, June, September, December
  • Language:English
  • Scope:English Language Teaching, Linguistics, & Literature
  • Article Processing Charges:No
  • Fees:All publications are free of charge
  • Types of Journal:Academic/Scholarly Journals
  • Open Access:Yes
  • Indexed & Abstracted:Yes
  • Policy:Double blind peer review
  • Publication Ethics: Editorial Ethics Policy
  • ReviewTime: Eight Weeks Approximately